
Un matrimonio è una cerimonia veramente magica; un'occasione in cui due persone si aprono il cuore l'un l'altro, alla presenza dei più cari, in una promessa destinata a durare una vita. Nell'antichità tra i greci e i romani, gli sposi portavano una ghirlanda sul collo come simbolo di nuova vita, ottimismo e fertilità. Le donne stringevano bouquet di piante aromatiche ed erbe aromatiche. I fiori hanno un notevole impatto durante i matrimoni; dando al giorno lo stile, la sensazione, l'atmosfera e il colore desiderati. I fiori sono usati in tutto il mondo per catturare l'amore e le gioie che appaiono vividamente durante un matrimonio. Le rose Top Quality Red Naomi e White Naomi di Porta Nova si sono dimostrate ideali per ogni tipo di sistemazione. Le nostre rose sono perfette per il bouquet da sposa, l'arredo floreale della chiesa, gli arrangiamenti per la tavola, i centrotavola da tavolo, la decorazione dell'auto e molto altro. Scopri qui sotto una panoramica ampia e stimolante del design dei fiori e delle foto degli arrangiamenti. Disegni realizzati con rose Red Naomi e White Naomi di Porta Nova.

Porta Nova floral designs in Floral Fundamentals MagazineAngelica Lacarbonara’s Porta Nova Red Naomi Wedding & her love for Floral DesignPorta Nova Red Naomi single rose powerPORTA NOVA RED NAOMI FLORAL FUNDAMENTALS MAGAZINEPorta Nova Red Naomi Wedding Ivana SpinelliAndi Slotty Blumenhaus-Inge German floral Market Porta Nova Red Naomi RosesValentine's Day Love Top Quality Porta Nova Red Naomi RosesMoyses Stevens Red Naomi roses porta novawedding roses red naomiPorta Nova Red Naomi Bouquet by Thomas Spiess 323Porta Nova Red Naomi Bouquet by Thomas Spiess 121Porta Nova Red Naomi Bouquet by Thomas Spiess 321PORTA NOVA red naomi BOUQUETS WITH SWISS FLORAL DESIGNER THOMAS SPIESSbeach wedding with porta nova red naomi white naomi ivana spinelli 1beach wedding with porta nova red naomi white naomi ivana spinelli 1wedding with porta nova red naomi white naomi messana del fiori 19Porta Nova memory box and wedding moments with Messana Jean FioriPorta Nova memory box and wedding moments with Messana Jean Fioriwedding with porta nova red naomi white naomi messana del fiori 14Porta Nova memory box and wedding moments with Messana Jean FioriPorta Nova memory box and wedding moments with Messana Jean Fioriwedding with porta nova red naomi white naomi messana del fiori 11Porta Nova memory box and wedding moments with Messana Jean FioriPorta Nova memory box and wedding moments with Messana Jean FioriPorta Nova memory box and wedding moments with Messana Jean FioriItalian Beach Wedding by Ivana SpinelliItalian Beach Wedding by Ivana SpinelliItalian Beach Wedding by Ivana SpinelliItalian Beach Wedding by Ivana SpinelliItalian Beach Wedding by Ivana SpinelliWhite Noami roses bouquet flower designWhite Noami roses bouquet in vaseRock-themed Wedding with Porta Nova rosesRock-themed Wedding with Porta Nova rosesRock-themed Wedding with Porta Nova roses'Heart for Heart', a luxurious White Naomi bouquet by Ioachim EremaStunning Porta Nova White Naomi Bouquets by Nadine SiegertHotel floral decor with White Naomi by Nadine SiegertStunning Porta Nova White Naomi Bouquets by Nadine SiegertStunning Porta Nova White Naomi Bouquets by Nadine SiegertStunning Porta Nova White Naomi Bouquets by Nadine SiegertMaking of Porta Nova White Naomi bridal bouquets by Lily BeelenPorta Nova White Naomi Heart-shaped floral designs by Nadine SiegertPorta Nova White Naomi Heart-shaped floral designs by Nadine SiegertPorta Nova White Naomi Heart-shaped floral designs by Nadine SiegertPorta Nova White Naomi Heart-shaped floral designs by Nadine SiegertPorta Nova White Naomi Heart-shaped floral designs by Nadine SiegertSummer vibes with Porta Nova White Naomi by Lily BeelenSummer vibes with Porta Nova White Naomi by Lily BeelenSummer vibes with Porta Nova White Naomi by Lily BeelenSummer vibes with Porta Nova White Naomi by Lily BeelenUnique and stylish Porta Rova Red Naomi designs by AlenaUnique and stylish Porta Rova Red Naomi designs by Alena ChudopalMaking of Porta Nova White Naomi bridal bouquets by Lily BeelenMaking of Porta Nova White Naomi bridal bouquets by Lily BeelenMaking of Porta Nova White Naomi bridal bouquets by Lily BeelenMaking of Porta Nova White Naomi bridal bouquets by Lily BeelenGábor Nagy speaks on championships and Porta Nova rose designsBridal heartJimmy’s Floral Art finesse with Porta Nova rosesHeidi Mikkonen shares her love for Floral ArtHeidi Mikkonen shares her love for Floral ArtHeidi Mikkonen shares her love for Floral ArtAngelica Lacarbonara shares her excitement on a Post COVID Italian Wedding Floral SceneAngelica Lacarbonara shares her excitement on a Post COVID Italian Wedding Floral SceneAngelica Lacarbonara shares her excitement on a Post COVID Italian Wedding Floral SceneAngelica Lacarbonara shares her excitement on a Post COVID Italian Wedding Floral SceneAngelica Lacarbonara shares her excitement on a Post COVID Italian Wedding Floral SceneSarah Crookston ’s exquisite Porta Nova White Naomi weddingSarah Crookston ’s exquisite Porta Nova White Naomi weddingSarah Crookston ’s exquisite Porta Nova White Naomi weddingSarah Crookston ’s exquisite Porta Nova White Naomi weddingSarah Crookston ’s exquisite Porta Nova White Naomi weddingSarah Crookston ’s exquisite Porta Nova White Naomi weddingSarah Crookston's exquisite Porta Nova White Naomi weddingSarah Crookston ’s exquisite Porta Nova White Naomi weddingSarah Crookston ’s exquisite Porta Nova White Naomi weddingSarah Crookston ’s exquisite Porta Nova White Naomi weddingSarah Crookston’s exquisite Porta Nova White Naomi weddingAt Porta Nova, we strive to make things better every day and never tire of gaining new lessons that will help us reach the top. This story bringing together Hanneke and Claudia is a perfect match with what we believe inAt Porta Nova, we strive to make things better every day and never tire of gaining new lessons that will help us reach the top. This story bringing together Hanneke and Claudia is a perfect match with what we believe inAt Porta Nova, we strive to make things better every day and never tire of gaining new lessons that will help us reach the top. This story bringing together Hanneke and Claudia is a perfect match with what we believe inAt Porta Nova, we strive to make things better every day and never tire of gaining new lessons that will help us reach the top. This story bringing together Hanneke and Claudia is a perfect match with what we believe inAt Porta Nova, we strive to make things better every day and never tire of gaining new lessons that will help us reach the top. This story bringing together Hanneke and Claudia is a perfect match with what we believe inAt Porta Nova, we strive to make things better every day and never tire of gaining new lessons that will help us reach the top. This story bringing together Hanneke and Claudia is a perfect match with what we believe inDan Xavier captures emotion with these Porta Nova arrangementsDan Xavier captures emotion with these Porta Nova arrangementsLarge slices of Porta Nova love from Anabela Flowers, Albania