For many countries, Mother’s Day is observed on the 14 of May. Since this is one of the busiest seasons for florists and trade, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best as you work to fulfil your customers’ wishes. On a day that accounts for approximately 24% of all holiday sales in the floriculture industry, we at Porta Nova are pleased to inform you that the quality of both our Red Naomi roses is super at the moment and the roses are available in almost all grades.

We combed the interwebs for some beautiful Red Naomi bouquets that have been done by your peers from around Europe that we hope will be an inspiration to you.
Bouquet: @ivonas_blumenladen
Bouquet: @janetandjaynes
Bouquet: @rozenhofcarrousel
Bouquet: @rozenhofcarrousel
Bouquet: @cesarebianchi Bouquet: @flowerspapadakis Bouquet: @rozenhofcarrousel
Bouquet: @cesarebianchi
Bouquet: @cesarebianchi