The Roses Red Naomi from  Porta Nova


The Red Naomi! conquering hearts since 2005

The Red Naomi! is currently the main Dutch grown red rose in the high-end red rose segment. It continues to conquer hearts with its beauty. When the large bud unfurls itself, it produces a multitude of petals in a perfect velvety, red shade. The rose is extremely popular in the trade. The long vase life and the subtle scent mean it is loved by consumers across the globe.

 Porta Nova  Red Noami SUPRA roses
 Porta Nova  Red Naomi Magna roses

Supra, Unica, Magna, different names for 100% quality

Superior quality Red Naomi roses – absolutely the best. Supras have been specially selected from all our roses. All lengths have an extra large bud, a thick stem and they also meet all other additional quality requirements. Our ‘Supra’ roses are hand picked. As a result, they are guaranteed to have a 14-day vase life.

Unica & Magna
Roses that do not quite achieve the Supra level but are still extremely fine examples, are sold with the Unica and Magna labels. These roses have large buds, thick stems and a long vase life all year round. Unica and Magna are both well-known for their consistently excellent quality.

HOLLANDA by Porta Nova
HOLLANDA Roses are beautiful and reliable traditional Dutch red roses grown with Dutch craftsmanship and passion. They have the reliability, tightness, subtle scent and vase life Porta Nova roses are known for, but are less thicker in terms of bud and stem.

Wild West

Wild West roses are “Wild” Red Naomi roses that we can find in our greenhouses but don’t quite meet the “Porta Nova” standards. They may vary slightly in bud shape, opening, and color, but they are still good in terms of vase life.

All our roses are also available as FUTURA. Grown on wind energy!

We are proud to introduce the most eco-friendly rose, the RED NAOMI FUTURA. According to the new European calculation method, this rose has the lowest carbon footprint of all roses available on the European market. The FUTURA label is Porta Nova’s greenest scenario, based on 2023 data and 100% wind energy.

Buying green wind energy as a company works similarly to how you might do it at home. It’s the same energy coming through the same power grid, but you specify to your supplier the desired energy source. This way, you can choose “grey” energy or various types of sustainable energy. Wind energy is the most sustainable, albeit at a premium of EUR 0,02.

Our goal is to switch to 100% wind energy in the coming years, but we can only achieve this together.

This is why we are offering all our roses under a FUTURA scenario. You can choose any of our sub-brands (Supra, Unica, Magna, Hollanda, Wild West) as FUTURA. Every month, we will purchase the corresponding percentage of wind energy to sustainably grow these roses based on Futura orders. This process will be audited by an external company to ensure we uphold our claim to grow these roses with the lowest carbon footprint possible.

Read more about our Futura or contact our Sales department to learn more about this option.