Kazi Sagar is an award-winning floral designer and events planner based in Bahrain. He currently works at Ivy Flowers & Chocolates Bahrain, but he has a dream of one day establishing his own shop and showing the world his signature style. Recently he created incredible Mother’s Day designs using Porta Nova Red Naomi roses. We are delighted that Kazi was in awe with our roses and that all he could say was Wow! According to Kazi, unboxing the Red Naomi roses was in itself a thrilling experience.
The Unboxing Moment
When these red roses arrived at our shop , Ivy Flowers & Chocolates in Bahrain, we were blown away by their length, strong stems, and big, shiny, and beautiful buds! Even on their own, these roses look magnificent, and you immediately start wondering how they would be like in a floral arrangement.

Making of “My Mother Is My Night and Day, My Sun and My Moon
Usually, I come up with design ideas from my own imagination. Before I start preparing a floral arrangement, I close my eyes and draw in my mind. My biggest inspiration for these designs I created with Porta Nova’s Rose Red Naomi was my Mom; she is the one who always thinks of me and cares for me day and night. So, I made one’ round bouquet‘ inspired by the sun, symbolizing daytime. Our moms spend their daytime thinking of us and caring for us.

The ‘Crescent Bouquet’ was inspired by the moon, symbolizing nighttime. Our Mom even spent her nights dreaming about us. One of the things she dreamt about mostly was my education. I didn’t complete my graduation. And now I feel very sad about it. Education is very very important. But it’s even more important to make sure your story is told in whatever way you want. To express your story through flowers and plants is a really beautiful thing to do. My Mother’s Day Bouquets are, to me, the perfect way to show that I care and that I’m sorry.

Mother’s Day Trends
Trends are really important to me. I don’t want to be the person who only follows trends but one who sets trends as well. For this Mother’s Day, the Red Naomi Roses from Porta Nova will shine in these trendy bouquets like the sun and the moon. I try to stay on top of everything going on in fashion and home interior, often there you can see the same colors popping up. Red is a color speaks passion and care.
A Big Thank You!
Honestly, Porta Nova’s Red Naomi Rose is the best premium quality red rose that I have ever worked with in my eight years of experience as a florist. It has a perfect red color with a nice velvety shade, a large flower head, a long stem, and a subtle scent. So, big appreciation to myThursd and Porta Nova for giving me the opportunity to work with those red beauties. ok
Article courtesy of Thursd.com