Another of Porta Nova’s Secrets revealed by our grower Aad van Luijk ; Combating mildew with UV-C light.
“Good morning. A well-known mould within rose cultivation is Mildew.
It damages the leaf and inhibits good growth. Most rose growers use chemical products to fight it
So, at Porta Nova, we have been trying to find a natural alternative. And we have found it in special UV-C light. Together with the specialists from Micothon, we have developed a mobile solarium
Mobile solarium
UV-C light that is usually filtered via the ozone layer, is directed straight onto the leaf.
This mobile solarium moves around the greenhouse all day in order to provide each plant with special solar vitamins The UV-C light tackles the mould and also strengthens the resistance mechanism in the plant itself.
Thanks to this extra UV-C light, we can control blight in a natural manner. After extensive system testing, it has been used in the greenhouse for the past two years. Our plants are much healthier and this benefits the quality of our roses.”
Porta Nova aims for 100% Organic pest control in its greenhouses
Healthy crops mean top quality roses!