Many top Florists and Floral designers love to work with Porta Nova’s Red Naomi roses. They use them for many different types of floral designs like; bridal bouquets, corsages, car decorations, table arrangements, for sympathy and to decorate parties and other events.
Of course each Red Naomi rose is a piece of art by itself making it a very popular gift in a bunch or even as single stem during Valentines, International woman day, Mothersday, secretary day.
And as the ultimate symbol of Love our Red Naomi roses have inspired designers all over the world to come up with some mega-arrangements which we gladly sponsor. For example a huge 3d hart shape made from 1000 Porta Nova Red Naomi roses, or a huge floral dress created by Joe Massie. (hyperlink)
We know for sure that from the over 30 mlj Red naomi rose we sell each year many more great creations have been made and we have decided to try and collect as many pictures from them as we can ans share with you!
In case you have pictures for us Please do share them with us through our wetransfer channel or via social media so we can add them to our galleries.
In case you would like to use one of our pictures for your website or magazine for FREE, contact us so we can send you hi-res material and instructions. Or visit our Download page.