Today, Porta Nova Rose Nursery received the FloriPEFCR validation certificate from Jeanet de Zeeuw and Jin Hoeksema. This marks the successful validation process of the FloriPEFCR data.

The validation was carried out by the company ValidIT, ensuring that the Porta Nova data is complete and transparent.

In November, Porta Nova announced that it was the first in the cut flower sector to calculate the carbon footprint of its Red Naomi, using data from 2021-2023. This resulted in an ultra-low footprint of 56 grams of CO2 per stem, based on 100% wind energy.

Validation is essential
“With this step, Porta Nova takes another significant step towards a more transparent and sustainable ornamental horticulture sector,” says director Stefan van Vuuren. “Validation is essential because it provides certainty to our customers. It shows that our calculations are correct and not pulled out of thin air.”

Available for third parties
Now that all necessary data has been shared and validated, the dataset is ready in Porta Nova’s workspace on the ValidIT platform. Director Jeanet de Zeeuw states, “This allows the dataset to be used in FSI-recognized footprint tools. The ValidIT platform facilitates this.”