In Germany and indeed the entire vastness of Europe, Summer’s last days are characterised by celebrations, gorgeous sunsets, country fairs, holidays and memorable warm days. Afterall, it is harvest time and people have all the reason to celebrate the unending gifts by mother nature.
Erko from the “Myflorist” online platform created a table installation that was well representative of harvest time with a little bit of white, a striking abundance of green in various shades plus the unmistakable velvety red of beautiful Porta Nova red naomi roses.
Making of the Rich Harvest table with Porta Nova roses
“I tried to make something that would keep Summer holiday memories fresh with a simple touch of italian; ‘Olive.. Wine… Bella Italia… Dolce far niente,” says Erko.

An abundance of greenery
I searched for different kinds of Green glasses, Green Physalis, Green Asclapia Fruits, Green Hydrangea, Olive branches, Cornus variegata, Wheat, Barley, and Miscanthus.

Different sizes and designs of green glasses and bottles
The installation comprised different types of Glasses and bottle. First they were filled up with clear Water. The designer used a beautiful table cloth in olive style. In between the olive ‘branches’ they arranged bottles and glasses, and also some of the Asclepia and Physalsis Fruits.
“From the corn I made some typical styled bouquets, a design from the old Farmer Women which to me is reminiscent of my childhood days!” he says. “I found an old Soda Bottle and a marvelous plank from olive which was a great addition.”

Adding Porta Nova Red Naomi to the arrangement
A wild and simple arrangement, best for a buffet with the motto “Rich Harvest”. Welcome Friends!
Rich Harvest Inspirational Poster with Porta Nova
Porta Nova in partnership with the MyFlorist platform have created unique and inspirational themed promotional materials for florists to use as marketing material. These promotional posters are made available for free to florists who can use them in their various online channels in reaching out to their existing and potential customers. The posters are available in English, Dutch, Italian, French and German

Rich Harvest with Porta Nova roses Poster