The way red roses effortlessly convey a message of love and respect is one of the main reasons floral designers use them in sympathy/funeral flower arrangements. Master florist Nadine Siegert and her team at Blumen Siegert recently used Porta Nova roses to create three exceptional designs that not only attracted admiration online but surely also helped her client in finding joy and strength in celebrating the life of their departed loved one(s).

A touch of mastery is always an ingredient when creating pieces like these that can soothe souls and afford one a smile amid such poignant times. These are just among the many works of floral art that Nadine and the team produce every day to mark different special occasions and celebrations.

Nadine has been a master in the art since 2003, and now steers a business that was initiated by her parents back in 1980. Since taking over the shop in 2007, she has maintained an undying love for flowers, and simply describes this deep affection towards flowers as the single most important gem that describes their style.

Top Quality
Blumen Siegert have used Porta Nova for the longest time, and get their weekly supply without fail from Kees Van der Meer. In their web intro, Blumengrosshandel Van Der Meer expresses how they always deliver flowers with the longest shelf life, from the best growers. Ensuring their customers of the highest quality flowers.

“We are always looking for the best flowers, especially with funeral wreaths. I believe Porta Nova Red Naomi are the best!” says Nadine.
and adds, “This Valentine’s Day we will also have Porta Nova Red Naomi arrangements.” You can check out HERE some of the fascinating, and interesting Valentine’s Day arrangements, that Blumen Sierget created using Porta Nova Red Naomi roses.