For those of you visiting the flower-trade shows in The Netherlands next week… Come visit Porta Nova at the Flora Holland Trade Fair in Aalsmeer or come visit our production facilities.
Portanova delivers more than just perfect roses .. and we like to tell you all about it face -to -face next week.
From Wednesday the 5th of november till Friday the 7th of november will Porta Nova present at the FloraHolland Trade Fair in Aalsmeer. This is the international tradefair where supply and demand meet in floriculture products. As an exporter, wholesaler, or florist you can come visit us to see our high quality Red Naomi roses and let be inspirered!
For more information about the Flora Holland Trade Fair click here
You can find us in hall 1 (stand number 2.1).
In the week of the exhibition Porta Nova is happy to receive you in our greenhouse for a unique look behind the scenes of one of the largest Dutch rose growers. We can tell you all about the roses and Porta Nova’s unique quality philosophy. A lunch or a snack and a drink in our bar afterwards is of course also a possibility.
If this get your or your visiting clients exited and you would like to come pay us a visit, please let us know beforehand, so we can make sure everything is ready for your visit.
Stefan van Vuuren (stefan@portanova.nl +31 6 43725902)
Jan Vahrmeijer (jan@portanova.nl +31 6 24253458)