Just like her peers in the floristry world, Angelica is over the moon about a fresh restart after wedding ceremonies were allowed once again since the devastation brought about by the COVID 19. We at Porta Nova share in this happiness and spoke to Italian florist Angelica Lacarbonara about what she’s most looking forward to and about the wedding trends of the season.

Challenging year
Similar to other countries across Europe and globally, it hasn’t been an easy run for Italian florists. According to Angelica, the year has been one huge downtime.
“Florists have had very little work to do over the year, that is why the decision by the government to resume wedding events from June 15th is very exciting,” says Angelica.
“Now we can really start to put flowers to good use. I consider 2020 and of course part of 2021 as a season of transition because with a lost year of work and money everyone just wants to regain some little time and try to be a designer.
Better times ahead
“We are certainly all very happy for this restart and have been advised by the government on the protocols and security measure to be followed,” says Angelica Lacarbonara .

And adds, “We will work very carefully and for sure we will crown many princesses and give life to new fairy tales. The market right now is best suited for very free and spacious floral styles that give good readability to the flowers.
Let’s talk floral trends
Angelica notes that Bohemian style, Garden style, Liberty, Country will be the cornerstones of weddings in 2021. This direction of trends is mainly because almost all wedding ceremonies will be held in outdoor locations.
“Different color tones will be used depending on the wedding style. If it’s a Garden Style wedding, you’ll prefer white, powder pink, pink and lots of green in the Country; Liberty you’d mostly use the Reds such as Porta Nova Red Naomi, peaches, orange and old pinks. In Bohemian, warm and soft colors are chosen such as chocolate, ivory, cappuccino, pink and caramel,” says Angelica.
Angelica says the new trends will most likely see florists avoiding compact and narrow flowers.
“Stems must be in similar motion with other stem sizes in order to create depth with the flowers themselves leading to full-bodied and dynamic scenography.
What Angelica Lacabornara likes about Porta Nova’s White Naomi
The rose is beautiful and open. It is supposed to be like this especially for the preparations because it gives volume and excels in achieving good composition.

The first round of petals lost a bit of strength but calculating from the days from the arrival, I have to say she is an excellent rose and can stand the heat. She was in the water at an average temperature of 25 degrees! So she is a great product.
Comparison with Avalanche
Avalanche has a different color tone from Porta Nova White Naomi. Since the petals remain closed longer, it soon molds and the petals age before the White Naomi, which opens to allow enough air into the petals. Avalanche has a beautiful head but in a few days the beauty tends to fade so it is not great for long lasting jobs. The performance of these two rose also depends on the temperatures. Here in Italy, we are already at an average of 25 degrees, some regions start at 30 and soon we will oscillate towards 35 – 40. A lot of roses are struggling under this hotter climate. White Naomi performs better in hotter climates especially for weddings arrangements.