Bouquet with Red Naomi roses for International Women's Day

We work hard to deliver the most beautiful roses for International Women’s day next week (March 8). On this day we celebrate woman´s achievements and it symbolize the fight of women from all over the world for their rights, full equality with men, democracy and peace. In East-Europe this is a major annual event, but also in West-Europe it is also becoming a more important event. This is of course positive for the Dutch flower industry!  Nowadays International Women’s day is celebrated to express the appreciation to woman’s. Therefore in our opinion all the women around the world deserve to receive Porta Nova roses on the 8th of March!

So don’t forget to buy flowers for your mother, wife, girlfriend, best friend, grandmother, sister or daughter!

Bouquet with Red Naomi roses for International Women's Day


How can a florist anticipate to International Women’s day?

In an article from FloraHolland some creative suggestions were given which could be used for Woman’s day.

The arise of Women’s day was because women start to fight for their own rights. As a florist you can use this as a reason for a male buyer to show his wife she is important for him by buying her flowers. But also female buyers can be encouraged, for example in solidarity for women elsewhere in the world who are less fortunate. A portion of your proceeds can go to a foundation who are dedicated to emancipation.

According the FloraHolland consumer panel are the people that buy flowers for Women’s Day found among all age categories. The flowers for Women’s Day are bought at the florist (56%), the flower kiosk (20%) or from street vendors (12%). Also, a mono-floral bouquet is more popular for Russian Women’s Day than a mixed bouquet. Of all the flowers, the tulip is the favorite flower (37%), followed by roses (33%) and red is the most important color.