Easter is a blissful time for family and friends. It is a timely break for loved ones to get together and share meals, fun and create beautiful lasting memories. Easter holiday is mainly celebrated around the world as a religious ceremony with a lot of reverence, especially in Christianity. For Christians, Easter is a clarion for mankind redemption, forgiveness and a chance at bettering ourselves for the future. Gifts of all kinds including flowers and cards are exchanged in commemorating this important day.

Floral artists Claudia Tararache, Jimmy Englund and Fabio Sicurella shared some insights on how flowers play a role in marking Easter in their specific hometowns; and the types of arrangements that are popular during this season.
According to Claudia, Easter floral arrangements will mostly be complimented by eggs, feathers, twigs, Easter bunnies. At her shop, Anthurium Flowers, they like to work with moss and natural materials.
“One week before Easter Romanians celebrate Flower Sunday. On this day people who are christened after a flower celebrate their name day. It is a very big celebration for us in the flower shop because many flowers are ordered,” says Claudia.
And adds, “In Romania, Christians gather willow branches instead of olive branches and take them to church to be sanctified by priests, then place them on icons. According to a legend, the willow would have made a bridge over a river for the Mother of God, helping her to continue on her way. As a thank you, the Virgin Mary gave holiness to the willow. For this reason, we also use willow branches in our arrangements.”
In Sweden, as Jimmy acknowledges, Easter does not call for specific and elaborate floral arrangement compared to other holidays such as Valentine’s Day, Christmas or Mother’s Day.

People go for Easy floral arrangements with feathers inside their homes, and some flowering bulbs outside, for example Narcissus, Muscaari and tulips. Spring bouquets will include tulips completed with ranunculus, anemones or Narcissus.

Fabio says in Italy Easter is all about flower baskets and gorgeous table arrangements. Many types of Spring blooms are used in colourful mixes with Red roses such as Porta Nova Red Naomi.