Tobias Kopp uses his online platforms to showcase different floral arrangments that can guide and inspire both hobbyists and professionals. His instructional DIY videos are such a marvel in their simplicity and execution, resulting in nice colorful arrangements. We had a chat with Tobias on his DIY presentations as well as his thoughts on Porta Nova roses.
Give us a brief bio of you as a florist.
My name is Tobias Kopp. I have had a flower shop near the capital Bern for 16 years. I took over this flower shop when I was 20 years old. With a lot of passion, ambition and will, I have something to do with myself. I currently employ 2 florists who help me around 3 hours a week. I do the rest myself. With many hours of work, but with a lot of passion and joy. Profession and hobby merge and that’s all that matters.
You have done a number of designs with Porta Nova roses, what can you say about these roses?
With Porta Nova roses, I have already tried the Red Naomi, as well as the White Naomi rose, and implemented some ideas in tutorials. I am convinced by this wonderfully fragrant and large-headed rose because it has a good shelf life and is also grown economically; because the rose opens very flat and beautiful. Porta Nova roses are perfect for many types of arrangements and especially for funeral and wedding floristry. Shape binders such as hearts or flat wreaths can also be worked well with the roses. The fragrance of the Porta Nova Red Naomi and White Naomi roses enchants me again and again. The Naomi roses will at immediate glance enchant the nose and of course the eyes.
What inspires you to create DIY tutorials on floral design?
I do DIY tutorials for hobby florists, creative people and of course also for florists, because I always want to challenge myself. I always want to stay on the ball, be on trend and see how my ideas and creations are received. So I always have honest and direct feedback. With the years when I show these tutorials, I have improved a lot and it is more and more fun.
How can you describe your style?
My style is complicated, very close to nature, simple and straightforward. But of course, there are also playful creations that I like to come up with. I like to use natural materials and I also like to mix them with exotic or exclusive flowers. I pay attention to the season of the flowers. This is very difficult to implement from time to time, but often it works because I have my flower shop in a small village with around 3,500 people. I strive to have creations for every style and taste and of course every budget.